Investment Laws & Anti-Monopoly Regulation

In order to attract investments to the country, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides a number of benefits and preferences for those entities investing into country business. We advise the potential investors on the qualification requirements and procedures to be complied with in order to obtain such benefits and preferences (which include among others release from corporate income tax, reimbursement of expenses, grants of land use rights etc).

The anti-trust/anti-monopoly legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan requires a consent from the state authorities as a preliminary step to any transaction involving creation of dominant or monopoly position. Any transaction without such consent may be declared invalid.

We advise on anti-monopoly legislation to clarify any potential monopoly issues. We will prepare and follow through requests, notifications, applications, approvals and appeals in accordance with requirements of the anti-monopoly legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Our recognized dispute resolution team represents clients at the Agency for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan, administrative bodies and courts of any instance.
